How to Write a Testimonial

How to Write a Testimonial

Many people find it difficult when asked to provide a testimonial for someone. Here are some simple guidelines on creating a stellar recommendation for a worker or company, regardless of how clever or not the individual was!


What Is a Testimonial?

Testimonial is an effective marketing tool. They increase your credibility and make you more convincing. If they’re not overly sweet, they can help you market your goods and services. The information on your website helps prospective clients learn more about you when they do internet research on you. Therefore, it makes sense that many of them could be cautious to immediately trust you. There are many personal testimonial examples. Besides, you can also have a look at our Freelance Websites.

When writing a testimonial, you should consider the following tips.


Follow a Proven Structure

A good testimonial includes the individual’s full name and a photograph. A testimonial has more credibility when the sender provides information about their business and what they do.

Some personal testimonial examples are below;


Another testimonial sample is;

testimonial sample

  • Eloquence: They clearly depict the before and after.
  • Purposefulness: They direct the reader to do a specific action.
  • Optimism: Testimonial is not a sarcastic review of a string of bitter remarks. You want honest opinions of people with a general tone.
  • Concentrate: Stay focused on the topic

Be Specific with Details

You may occasionally find yourself in circumstances where sharing particular figures or numbers is prohibited. Explain the specifics of the issue, address any concerns, or provide relevant background information that creates a compelling before-and-after image in certain situations.


Be Authentic (Not Boring)

Your prospects would become bored with dry testimonies. Additionally, sleeping prospects are unable to act. However, simply not being dull is insufficient. An effective testimony must also be sincere and real. Authenticity, natural sounding speech, and the use of everyday language are required.

Getting the reader to think critically about something is your goal. And for a testimonial to be effective, each and every word must be genuine; a potential consumer can easily spot a false one.


Use the Right Testimonial, at the Right Time, in the Right Place

Despite having the same overall objective of lowering resistance, each kind of testimonial works best in various situations. Use testimonials that address probable opposition on your sales page to overcome obstacles. A prospect will feel more confident that choosing to work with you in the future if they learn that another client had similar worries and overcame them.

Refrain from using the outdated testimonial page. A few site visitors make it to the testimonials page, most others skim the websites. Thus, to support your marketing objectives you should place effective testimonials throughout your website. Some of the best testimonial examples are:

testimonial sample


The Art of Asking: Perfecting Your Testimonial Request

It’s great to understand the format and elements of an effective testimonial, but that won’t help you if you don’t have any to share. If you don’t ask for testimonials or set up a method to keep them coming in, they won’t come to you.

Similar to sales, asking for testimonials can make people feel awkward. They consider their behavior to be bothersome. However, this is a minor request if you consistently provide excellent services to pleased clients.


Automation Makes it Easy

The collection and authoring of testimonials is a process that astute business owners and entrepreneurs systematize and automate to the greatest extent possible. Your company should incorporate the gathering of testimonies.

Based on your unique business, each system will differ. The idea is to remove friction points that could prevent you from generating excellent client quotations and to automate as many steps of the process as you can.

Common Questions


How To Write a Testimonial?

Writing a testimonial may be easy when many testimonial examples are available. How to write a testimonial for someone is a similar question to writing it for yourself. Therefore, below is a list to help you write an effective testimonial.


Choose the narrative you want to present.

You want the testimonies to provide context for your brand and operation. You should think about the impressions you want potential buyers to have of your product, the difficulties your clients overcame, and the benefits they derived from utilizing your products or services.


Specify your inquiries

You should direct your clients to provide the kind of details you’ll need for the testimonial. Build your inquiries around the narrative you are presenting about your enterprise and its offerings. To obtain as much information as you can, your inquiries should be both specific and open-ended.


Include images and the name of the client

To make the testimonial seem sincere, you should use your customer’s name. Your future clients will be able to relate the testimonial’s story to a specific person if you give them a name to go along with it. To illustrate the value of your services or products, if you can, provide an image.


What Is a Testimonial Statement?

It is a claim regarding an incident or fact from the past that the declarant reasonably anticipates being used at some point in a criminal investigation. There are several types of testimonial statements:


  • Influencer Testimonials: In this type of testimonial, you ask your clients about their interactions with your business in a question-and-answer format, either on video or in writing.
  • Interview Testimonial: In this type of testimonial, you ask your clients about their interactions with your business in a question-and-answer format, either on video or in writing.
  • Video testimonials: Those in which you capture a customer praising your goods. It’s captivating, real, and appealing.
  • Social testimonials: These are natural endorsements from customers who volunteer to post about their interactions with your business on social media.
  • Peer endorsement: This endorsement typically includes a portrait and portrays your client as being comparable to your potential customers.
  • Quote testimonial: The most typical sort of testimonial, this one includes the actual words of a happy customer.

How To Write a Testimonial Letter?

The term “testimony” comes from the word “testimony,” which refers to an account by a person, such as an eye witness. They provide knowledge about a subject they are knowledgeable about. Consequently, a written recommendation of a person who has worked with and is well-known by the writer is provided in a testimonial letter. Have a glance at the Search engines, too.

Written testimony will cover a person’s character, professional history, qualifications, etc. A letter of recommendation is typically written by a person who knows the subject well and has collaborated with them professionally, such as a manager, supervisor, tutor, or lecturer.


How Long Should a Testimonial Be?

Your recommendation should not exceed two or three paragraphs. To avoid being unduly official or technical, they should be written in your customer’s tone. The content that interacts with potential clients is accessible and understandable testimonials.


Can You Write Your Own Testimonial?

Before giving you final clearance, run the self-written testimonial by your client and make it very clear that they are free to make any necessary edits.

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