pillar page


You are going to know what is a pillar page. I will tell you the actual meaning of a pillar page and topic cluster, its purpose, its benefits, and how to create a pillar page. Strong pillar pages support your content and marketing approach, as the name implies. However, they increase user interaction and drive web traffic rather than funding temples.


They do, at least when they are correctly constructed. Excellent content and intelligent keyword selection are still crucial. Google, however, now wants to know that you are an authority in your field because there is so much knowledge available online. The easiest method to show off this authority is to organize your material into topic clusters and pillar sites.


Your chances of boosting your search engine rankings and organic traffic are significantly increased by concentrating on content production inside this framework. A pillar post aid Google in comprehending your website, the connections between the pages, and your areas of specialization. Additionally, when each page’s authority and rating increase, other pages follow suit.


You will learn how to create pillar pages from this guide, which will increase site traffic, conversions, and SEO rankings. A pillar page is ultimately what your content strategy requires. Without pillar pages, a lack of organization will probably hurt your content strategy. So, let’s get into the detail!






Pillar-to-post meaning- A pillar page is a high-level piece of material that provides a general summary of a significant subject and links to in-depth articles on inevitable tangents. Consider the cluster pages as individual chapters and the table of contents as the pillar page.

pillar means a structure for support. Pillar pages are versatile, allowing content producers to experiment with various designs, content types, topics, and combinations. The following are the top three pillar page types:


  • 10x content pillar page
  • Resource pillar page
  • Product or service pillar page

The cornerstone of your content strategy, Pillars to post frequently serves as the primary landing page for a content hub. They serve as a representation of your most significant content themes and expose consumers to related topics. More crucially, when employed in a subject cluster strategy, they act as search engine echo chambers of context, relevance, and authority.


The pillar-cluster model is beneficial for SEO because it displays your knowledge and authority while adding context and enhancing PageRank flow through internal links. Users love pillar pages because they comprehensively cover a subject and predictably offer further dives into subtopics at the appropriate time.



Compared to typical blog entries, a pillar post is typically substantially lengthier. There isn’t a standard, but they are typically at least 2,000 words. But keep in mind that they are thorough as well as long. 



A topic cluster is a group of related online pages and articles organized around a single overarching subject. The subject cluster content links to the pillar page, while a pillar post links to the topic cluster content. The final result is a connected content experience that offers the reader a tonne of value and demonstrates to Google that you are an expert on the subject.


An SEO topic cluster strategy is composed mainly of three elements:

  • One page that is primarily concerned
  • Several comprehensive clusters page
  • Carefully chosen internal connections

A pillar page about Instagram marketing, for instance, might exist. It can give a comprehensive rundown of how to use Instagram, the best time to post on Instagram, etc, and is hyperlinked to particular items of cluster content.



Following are the steps given for creating pillars to post.


1.      Choose the subjects you want to rank for.

Choosing the subject, you want to rank for is the first step in constructing a content cluster. Instead of using individual keywords, think in terms of broad topical ideas. Your theme should be general enough to warrant numerous blog entries while still being manageable enough to be covered in a single pillar page.


2.      Connect it to a keyword research program.

You should enter the subject of your pillar page into a keyword research tool once you have a general notion of it. These provide you with the ability to examine which keywords receive the most monthly searches as well as the level of competition for each search term.

Use Google Search Console to answer the public and conventional keyword research tools. This tool displays the queries, prepositions, and comparisons individuals enter while looking up a specific subject.


3.      Make your content

It would be best to take care of your on-page SEO for each pillar and cluster page since they both target specific keywords. Use the target keywords in your article’s title, headings, body copy, meta descriptions, picture alt-tags, etc.


4.      Create cluster pages

Before developing a pillar page, you should compose most of your cluster pages. It’s much simpler to summarize stuff when it already exists. If you attempt to write your pillar page first, you’ll feel compelled to offer excessive detail, rendering the cluster pages unnecessary.


5.      Create your pillar page.

Keep in mind the following two things while you create a pillar post:

  • Subtopics should be brief so that you can expand on them in your cluster pages.
  • Give the reader enough knowledge to be helpful.
  • To give the reader and Google the impression that you adequately addressed their question, you must delve deeply enough into each subtopic.


6.      Optimize your pillar page.

Improve your pillar page for on-page SEO elements like:


  • Your page title and subheadings should contain your primary keyword.
  • Make a captivating title tag and meta description that people want to click.
  • When necessary, use structured data
  • For each subsection, use a header.
  • Include both your primary and long-tail keywords on the page.
  • Within the first 100 words, include your goal keyword.
  • Aim to match search intent with your content.
  • Make your writing readable by using multiple headers and paragraph breaks.
  • Image enhancement and appropriate alt text addition


7.      Publicize your pillar pages.

Lastly, the previous phase is promoting your core page by deciding on your content marketing strategies to obtain high-quality backlinks. Marketing professionals may effectively promote pillar and cluster pages by:


  • Guest blogging and backlinking to your pages on appropriate authority websites
  • Utilize already-existing strategic alliances and link to one another’s material.
  • Make shareable infographics that can be put on other websites and point visitors back to yours.
  • Look for brand references that aren’t linked and encourage the site owner to do the same.
  • Use micro-influencers to help you advertise your pages and increase traffic.
  • To get backlinks from websites that are relevant to you, use off-page SEO strategies.



Following are the benefits of a pillar post and topic cluster strategy.


Boost SEO ranks:

When a page in your topic cluster performs well, it also helps the rankings of the pages that connect to it. Notably, HubSpot saw a strong association between search engine rankings and grouped internal links between pillar sites and topic clusters when they started experimenting with this method.


Improve the user experience:

A topic cluster also makes your website easier for real people looking for information on a subject or subject area. Visitors can learn everything they need about a particular issue on your website thanks to pillar pages and topic clusters, saving them from navigating between other websites.

It makes sense to put together related pages (a pillar page) that can all be found using the same search term. The enhanced user experience keeps visitors on your website longer, providing Google’s algorithm with additional evidence that you merit a higher ranking.


Build credibility and trust

offering thorough information on a wide range of topics builds trust and credibility. Visitors will view you as a reliable source of knowledge and authority. Google’s multiple ranking components are based on three fundamental ideas: expertise, management, and trust. These ideas pertain to how well your content corresponds to what people are looking for while exhibiting power based on your website’s reliability and trustworthiness.


Draw visitors and lead sales

A pillar post attracts visitors and turns them into leads, assisting sales representatives in qualifying leads. This information can be used by your sales and support teams to inform prospects, respond to their inquiries, and qualify leads.



What is a pillar page concludes that, in one fell swoop, pillar pages are an excellent method to boost your site’s SEO, boost traffic, collect leads, enhance user experience, audit your content, and concentrate your content strategy on the areas that matter most to your audience.


You must identify the keywords that correspond to the relevant topics you wish to rank for. The next step is to create your subtopics, outline your subject clusters, create your pillar page, and ensure that everything is interconnected appropriately.


Depending on the target keywords, you might require a lot of long-form material when developing the sites. The last step is to devote time and energy to advertising your pages. Pillar pages are the foundation for the rest of your material, so keep that in mind if you need a reminder of what they are. Save your time building a single page around a term, start rating for entire themes, and then go big with it!

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