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What’s the Best Cough Medicine?

Does your cough keep you up at night or irritate your coworkers? There are numerous over-the-counter and prescription cough medications available, including expectorants and cough suppressants, but studies show that not all of them are effective.

Nobody likes the cold and flu season, but if the constant hacking is making you feel uncomfortable, a cough suppressant may help. The underlying reason for your cough might be anything from allergies to asthma, and depending on your symptoms, different active substances are needed to treat it.

Even so, the evidence regarding the usefulness of over-the-counter medications for cough symptoms is still conflicting. We spoke to specialists to uncover how the body responds to coughing and which medications to consider if your cough is interfering with your ability to sleep and function normally.

Best Medicine for Cough

Despite how unpleasant it may be to cough; it is nonetheless one of the body’s finest protective mechanisms. Your body helps prevent respiratory tract infections and irritants from entering your body by coughing. A cough frequently disappears on its own after three weeks as well.


What medication should you take for your cough then? What type of cough you have will determine which treatment is best for you. It can be easier to choose the best cough medicine for you if you are aware of the causes of your cough and the possible treatments.

1. Hydrallin Syrup

  • Uses

In addition to being used to treat asthma, wheezing, and shortness of breath, Hydrallin syrup also works well to reduce coughing. Searle Pakistan is the producer of it.

  • Adverse Consequences

Rash, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and dizziness are a few of the Hydrallin syrup side effects.

2. Olcuf Cough Syrup

  • Uses

Conditions including cough, bronchitis, throat irritation, and shortness of breath are among the conditions for which it is prescribed. It relieves throat discomfort, lessens chest constriction, and helps the body’s breathing function return to normal.

Adverse Consequences

However, to prevent adverse effects, you should get medical advice before using olcuf. Constipation, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain are all potential negative effects of this cough syrup.

3. Coferb Plus

  • Uses

Through the thinning and draining of chest mucus, it helps to relieve cough and improve breathing.

  • Adverse Consequences

Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, itching, tiredness, stomach discomfort, and breathing problems are all potential adverse effects of Coferb plus.

4. Pulmonol Cough Syrup

  •  Uses

Pulmonol cough syrup is useful for suppressing cough and relieving symptoms brought on by a variety of illnesses, such as bronchitis, common cold, allergies like hay fever, etc.

  • Adverse Consequences

Difficulty breathing, dehydration, heartburn, disorientation, rash, vomiting, nausea, etc. are side effects that you might encounter after consuming this syrup.

5. Corex-D

  • Uses

When you have a cough brought on by an infection such as the flu, sinusitis, or bronchitis, Corex-D can help. Pfizer is the company that makes it.

  •  Adverse Consequences

Drowsiness, an elevated heartbeat, and an upset stomach are all adverse effects of this syrup.

6. Arinac

  • Uses

The symptoms of allergies, the flu, and colds, such as coughing and nasal congestion, are relieved by the usage of Arinac.

  • Adverse Consequences

Headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and weakness are some of its adverse effects. It is not advised to use it when pregnant or nursing.

7. Acefyl Syrup

  • Uses

It is used to treat emphysema, bronchitis, the flu, and cough.

  • Adverse Consequences

There are several negative side effects, including nausea, vertigo, constipation, headaches, and exhaustion.

Types of Coughs

Dry cough

There isn’t a lot of mucus produced by dry coughs. A virus or the flu can create a dry cough, just like it can for wet coughs. Inflammatory agents in the airways, such as pollen, dust, or pet dander, are a significant contributor to dry coughs.

Cough suppressants are a treatment option for dry coughs. After a cold, the majority of dry coughs will disappear in a few days. However, some dry coughs are caused by lung inflammation and last for weeks or months.

Use of an antitussive that contains the active ingredient dextromethorphan will aid in reducing your desire to cough, allowing you to rest.

Wet cough

Wet coughs—also known as chest coughs—typically result in the production of mucus or phlegm. Wet coughs might be harsher in the morning and at night and are often brought on by the flu or a regular cold.

Because of postnasal drip, you could occasionally feel as though something is stuck or leaking in your throat when you have a wet cough. To clean your airways, you can find it challenging to expectorate the mucus.

Expectorants, which help thin the mucus and increase the effectiveness of your cough, are occasionally used to treat wet coughs. Depending on how severe the cold or flu is, most wet coughs subside in a few days, although they can continue for a few weeks. You can help yourself get rid of the mucus by using medications with an expectorant that contains the active ingredient guaifenesin.

Cough Medicine Options

If you have a cough, you can generally use one of the following five types of medications:

· Expectorants

Expectorants can work to thin out the mucus in your lungs to make it easier to remove your congestion if you have a congested feeling in your chest and wish to make your coughs more effective.

· Antitussives/Suppressants

These stop the cough reflex in the brain, preventing a cough from developing as the name implies.

· Decongestants

When postnasal drip is causing your cough, decongestants can work to constrict blood vessels, allowing more air to move through your nasal passages, drying out nasal tissues, and reducing the amount of postnasal drip.

· Antihistamines

If your cough is a result of allergies, antihistamines can help block histamine, a naturally occurring substance that can result in a runny nose and postnasal drip.

· Painkillers

Although they can be used to treat other cold or flu symptoms, such as headache or fever, painkillers like Panadol, Tylenol, aspirin, and ibuprofen can also be used to alleviate coughs.

Cures at Home for a Dry Cough

A dry cough may be lessened using natural remedies or complementary therapies. Here are a few possibilities for you to think about.

· Honey

A dry cough may be controlled by taking honey.

· Gargles

The inflammation that can cause a dry cough may be lessened by gargling with salt water. It could also aid in eliminating throat bacteria that could cause an illness.

· Marshmallow Root Extract

The symptoms of a dry cough may be lessened by taking marshmallow root extract.

Ending Note

One of the most typical reasons people visit their primary healthcare practitioner is for a cough. Since environmental factors or common colds are the main causes of coughs, the majority of cases can be resolved with over-the-counter (OTC) cough medications and home remedies.

However, if a cough persists for more than three weeks or creates a fever, it is crucial to see your primary care physician for medical advice and maybe prescription cough treatment.

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