Pulse oximeter how to use it?

Pulse Oximeter How To Read?

A pulse oximeter is an electronic device that helps to measure the level of oxygen in the blood. It is a simple, pain-free measuring instrument that checks how oxygen is delivered to other organs of the body which are far away from your heart. 

It also measures the rate of your heartbeat. If it indicates a rate for your heartbeats per minute between 60 to 100, it simply means your heartbeats are normal and don’t need to contact any doctor.

It is a clip-shaped tool known as a probe. It places on a body part, like a finger. for analyzing oxygen percentage in blood using lights. It provides information to help a doctor to decide whether a person needs extra oxygen or not.


When Should Pulse Oximeter Be Used?

There are many types of conditions for which you can use this device.  Examining oxygen levels is needed for various kinds of issues. 

  • During the process of surgery or after completing the surgery. 
  • Examining whether the lung medicines are working properly or not
  • For analyzing human’s capability to control enhancing activity levels.
  • To check if a ventilator is required for a person to help in breathing. 

This wearable device is optimized to check a person’s health and affect the percentage of oxygen in the blood such as:

  • Asthma
  • Heart attack
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart failure 
  • Lung cancer
  • Anemia

Preparing Pulse Oximeter:

Before using it must check that it should be clean and dust-free.  You should first clean it correctly before taking it into use. It is also important to make sure that the sensor of your pulse oximeter should be cleaned from any dust so it can show proper results.


Which finger to use for the pulse oximeter?

Use the index finger of either of your hands. Start taking reading by inserting your index finger into the oximeter. Your fingernail should be facing upward.  Your hand should be in a straight position. Don’t move your body once the oximeter is in process, it will affect the reading.


Pulse oximeter normal range:

A normal heart rate of a human is between  to 100 beats per minute. Before taking a reading it is good to keep in mind the normal range. It will help you to compare both readings. Similarly, before analyzing oxygen levels, you should know what is the normal rate of oxygen in the blood. The normal rate of oxygen in the blood is 95. If the oximeter shows you 95 or above 95, it means you are good. But if it demonstrates below 93 percent then you should contact your doctor.


What should i do if my oxygen level is not normal?

If the oximeter shows you a number that is 92 or lower, you should consult with your doctor. But don’t panic. A doctor will suggest a better treatment for this and you will clear up soon. If your oxygen level is lower than 88% you should take a daily treatment it can develop your health condition.


Symptoms of lower oxygen:

Blood oxygen level is the amount of oxygen that is present in your blood. Most of the oxygen is carried by red blood cells by collecting it from the lungs and delivering it to all parts of the body.

Low blood oxygen can create abnormalities in blood circulation and generate the following symptoms:

  • Restlessness
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid breathing 
  • High blood pressure
  • Lack of coordination
  • Confusion
  • Chest pain

is it dangerous to operate an oximeter at home?

It may possible that operating this device at home may give you faulty results or incorrect reading or promoting a person to take cautious unnecessarily. If you are using it at home at having checked your reading also check the reading of a healthy at your home for confirmation that it works correctly then contact your doctor.

Note: if you have applied any nail paint or any other substances remove them before using an oximeter.

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